
Whether in-person or via live webinar, all workshops are tailored to the needs of the specific group. Supporting resources (written and/or video) can be created to extend the learning and application outside of the session. I’m always excited to create an entirely new workshop or other type of development event, so let's discuss your needs and ideas.

The primary topics of existing workshops include:

  • Developing Emotional Intelligence  
  • Building Resilience & Battling Burnout
  • Leadership and Professionalism
  • Optimal Teams & Teamwork
  • Time Management & Efficiency
  • Effective Communication & Feedback
  • Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
  • Maximizing Teaching & Learning
  • Mindfulness Practice in Everyday Life
  • Managing Emotions & Mood
  • Feedback:  Fears, Failures, & Fixes
  • The Enneagram Personality Styles for Understanding Ourselves & Others
  • Inherent Human Biases & Blind Spots

Workshops are typically 60-75 minutes each, and cost is $500 for webinars and $1500 per day of programming for in-person (plus costs of basic transportation and lodging if applicable).  Longer programs or a series of programs are welcomed and cost is negotiable.

Let's discuss your specific ideas and perceived needs for professional development sessions that make a difference.  There is no cost, expectation, or obligation to explore possibilities.  References and video clips available upon request.

Download brief descriptions of specific workshops as a PDF file.


Anonymous Written Feedback in Response to Workshops

Dr. Wiederman was amazing. I wish we could do a whole day with just him. “The Curse of Knowledge, the exercise of “Three Good Things,” and our “Subjective Experience of Life.” So many good tips and tools to incorporate into daily life.  (in-person session)

Thank you once again, Michael. Even after many leadership activities over my career, I learn something (many things) new and helpful from you every time!  (webinar)

One of the best speakers we have had!  The keynote was fabulous, as was his breakout session and the afternoon workshop. (in-person sessions)

I wanted to let you know how much I valued your presentation yesterday. I could have listened to you talk all morning. I am grateful for the nuggets you provided us!  (in-person session)

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